Network Membership:
Rewards and referrals explained

How can I join a network? Is it free?

Yes it’s free, we don’t charge our network members anything. Currently it is strictly by invite only now but if you think you’d make a good addition to our network then please email us at

What do I have to do?

Sit back and wait for suitable roles to be shared with you - each one will have a full job description, an idea of company culture and a reward posted along with it. If you have a friend, colleague or associate who you think would be good for the role ask them, and then refer them to us. We’ll log your referral and start the process - if your referred friend gets the role, you get the reward. Simple.

What are the referral rewards?

Typically, we start at around USD$2500 for a referral and up, depending on many factors but mostly seniority. Each role will have an amount clearly indicated with each alert email. To date the lowest we have paid is USD2800 and the highest on offer is currently USD6500. (True of May 2020)

How come I can earn so much for a referral?

The ERN is built around our personally curated networks. We don’t hire extra people; we spend our money on keeping our networks of the highest quality and the people within them engaged and happy. And the high incentives means you are more likely to only refer the best person for that particular role – helping your friends, us, our clients and yourself in the process.

How do I qualify for the referral fee?

We pride our network on providing us the best quality referrals – after all, the best hires are always, always those that have been referred. Therefore, it’s a simple, but thorough process:

  1. We work with our client and then share the Job Description and incentive to our network.

  2. If you have someone you think would be a good fit, then email us with the job reference to with an introduction on where you are so far. We’ll get straight back to you.

  3. he referred candidate must be ready to move, or to talk to us about a potential move. You must have spoken to the candidate already about this and shared the job description.

  4. We usually then call you to discuss on how you know the candidate, strengths and weaknesses, how they have engaged with them (typically as a boss/colleague or vendor/buyer relationship).

  5. Then we start them in the process of recruiting them for our client – preferably with a face to face (in person or by teleconference) – and if suitable then get them into the client’s recruitment process.

Then if all goes well and your contact is hired, we can pay the fee.

Who will know who referred the candidate?

We never release names of who is even in our networks. We keep all data and referrals completely confidential. Your referee would of course know, but we certainly won’t be telling anyone else.

What if two people refer the same candidate? How long do you hold the candidates’ data for?

First come, first serve - it’s not happened yet! Assuming the candidate agrees, we’ll hang on to them for 6 months or so and if they’re suitable for another role we’ll pay out on that if we put them forward - our aim is always to have happy network members.

How can I leave the network? What if I am getting too many emails?

Because we hand curate our networks we try and only send each network member the right roles. However if you’re experiencing any problems, just contact us at

Can I apply for a role you send me?

Absolutely. We never reveal to anyone who our referrer was and if you fit the criteria, we will happily put your application forward.

However, should you be successful we obviously cannot pay you the incentive. What we would do is split it 50/50 and paid to a charity of yours and our choice equally, to avoid any conflict of interest. We’ll send you the receipt of the payment in your name for tax purposes though.


If you have any further questions contact us at:

What people in the networks are saying:


“When ERN takes off I will be very happy - applying online now is like throwing your resume down the drain. These jobs are specialized. We need a referral network”

— “Big 4” Market Researcher, Singapore


“If I can help my friends and colleagues, and earn, great!”

— VP, Nielsen APAC

“We have some pretty narrow insight roles we’ll be using your network to provide”

— IT software sales Director, ANZ


“I know the timing for some of my friends is super important - this helps”

— Country Manager, Hong Kong